
2. Power Supply at Main Power
Switch-On ....................... 9-14
3. Power Supply at Main Power
Switch-On and Control Panel
Switch-On ....................... 9-15
C. Rated Outputs of the DC Power
Supply PCB ......................... 9-16
D. Protective Functions ............ 9-17
E. Backup Battery .................... 9-18
1. MFC PCB ....................... 9-18
2. Image Processor PCB .... 9-19
VI. OTHERS .................................. 9-21
A. Sleep Mode ......................... 9-21
1. Outline ............................9-21
2. Operation........................ 9-22
B. Low Power mode................. 9-23
C. Silence Mode....................... 9-24
D. Power Save Mode ............... 9-24
A. External Covers ................... 9-26
1. Removing the Front Door
....................................... 9-27
2. Removing the Inside Upper
Cover .............................. 9-28
3. Removing the Fixing/Feeding
Unit Cover ...................... 9-28
4. Removing the Rear Cover
....................................... 9-29
B. Control Panel....................... 9-30
1. Removing the Control Panel
....................................... 9-30
2. Removing the Control Panel
Controller (CPU) PCB and the
Control Panel Inverter PCB
....................................... 9-31
3. Removing the Control Panel
PCB and the LCD Panel
....................................... 9-32
C. Fans .................................... 9-34
1. Removing the Primary
Charging Assembly Fan
....................................... 9-34
2. Removing the Fixing Heat
Discharge Fan ................9-35
3. Removing the Scanner
Cooling Fan ....................9-35
4. Removing the Stream
Reading Fan ................... 9-36
5. Removing the Laser Cooling
Fan ................................. 9-37
6. Removing the De-Curling Fan
....................................... 9-38
7. Removing the Feeding Fan
....................................... 9-39
8. Removing the Drum Fan
....................................... 9-40
9. Removing the Inverter Cooling
Fan ................................. 9-41
10. Removing the Pre-Transfer
Charging Assembly Fan
....................................... 9-42
11. Removing the Power Supply
Cooling Fan 1 .................9-43
12. Removing the Power Supply
Cooling Fan 2 .................9-44
13. Removing the Separation Fan
....................................... 9-45
14. Removing the Laser Scanner
Fan ................................. 9-46
D. Drive Assembly ................... 9-48
1. Removing the Left Pickup
Drive Assembly .............. 9-48
2. Removing the Pickup Drive
Assembly ........................ 9-49
3. Removing the Developing
Drive Assembly .............. 9-50
4. Removing the Vertical Path
Drive Assembly .............. 9-51
5. Removing the Waste Toner
Drive Assembly .............. 9-52
6. Removing the Multifeeder
Pickup Drive Assembly... 9-53
7. Removing the Lifter Drive
Assembly (right deck) ..... 9-54
8. Removing the Lifter Drive
Assembly (for the left deck)
....................................... 9-55
9. Removing the Main Drive
Assembly ........................ 9-56
10. Removing the Drum Drive
Assembly ........................ 9-57
11. Removing the Cassette
Pickup Drive Assembly... 9-60
12. Removing the Toner Cartridge
Drive Assembly .............. 9-61
E. Switches .............................. 9-62
1. Removing the Cover Switch
(door switch) Assembly
....................................... 9-62
2. Removing the Manual Feed
Tray Switch Assembly .... 9-63
3. Removing the Drum Heater
Switch Assembly ............ 9-64
F. DC Controller PCB .............. 9-65
G. Power Supply Unit ............... 9-66
H. High-Voltage Transformer (AC)
............................................ 9-67
I. High-Voltage Transformer (DC)
............................................ 9-67