August 2007
Lab Test Report
Canon imagePROGRAF iPF820
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Users have the option of programming the exact length of the roll for any media
type installed in the printer, which is reported on the control panel, and the length
is automatically counted down as the roll is depleted. If a job requires more media
than is already loaded, the user is prompted to replace the roll.
Unlike with some other wide-format devices evaluated by BLI, sheet paper length
and width are automatically detected by the imagePROGRAF iPF820 once the
sheet is properly loaded.
The two hubs or end caps that hold a roll of paper in place on the spindle are
smartly designed. They are octagonal rather than circular in shape, so that when
the spindle is placed on a table top it doesn’t roll.
— During the test, a fixed plastic spindle head broke off during a media roll reload.
A sturdier spindle head connection would reduce the risk of this occurrence.
— Finished prints exit the printer from the front and are deposited into a cloth catch
basket situated directly below the printer. The basket holds numerous prints,
depending on the media type, but because they do not stack neatly, they get out
of order quickly and tend to curl.
If a media roll is depleted part-way through a page, the printer continues printing
on the second media roll. If there is no other roll installed, the user is prompted to
install a new roll. The partially printed page will then reprint.
The control panel has nine clearly labelled buttons and a small LCD display mea-
suring 5.5cm x 5cm with seven lines of text. LEDs include on/offline status, data,
message, paper source and HDD. When online, the display shows the paper
type of each roll, as well as the ink levels. Pressing the control panel Menu button
provides an extensive display of sub-menus.
Canon imagePROGRAF iPF820 Control Panel
Step-by-step instructions for both sheet and roll loading are provided on the con-
trol panel. The display changes for each step of the procedure at a predetermined
interval, and users can press the pause button to pause the display. Additionally,
instructions are provided on the control panel for loading a roll onto the spindle.
Both 2" and 3" end caps are supplied for different core sizes.
Loading cut-sheet media is an easy process. The user must align the sheet’s lead
and right edges against orange horizontal and vertical guide lines, respectively,
This report has been reproduced with the written permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report, in whole or part, in any form or manner, without the written
permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. ©2008 Buyers Laboratory Inc. To purchase reprints, contact BLI at BLIEurope@buyerslab.com.