Side 6 af 12
• Short introduction to print with IR2200i and IR3300i.
• Print - dublex.
Before printing, you must insert the copy card in the card reader. If you are entitled to use the
machine and if you have a positive print account balance, then you will see a menu on the screen
on the card reader. Choose ”Print” and you will see a list of all your print jobs located on the print
The menu provides you with the following options:
• Delete one or more print jobs.
• Choose number of copies.
• Send print jobs to the printer.
• Send print jobs to the printer but also keep the print job on the print server for later retrieval
Now turn to the display on the copy machine.
There are different options to your print job in the menu item ”Finishing”.
At the url
http://www.itu.dk/intern-service/kopimaskiner/ you can see the available options (e.g.,
folding, stapling) on the various printers at ITU.