2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
4-32 T
4.2.3 The vertical path roller fails to rotate.
1. Main motor
Is ‘E010’ (faulty main motor) indicated?
YES: See the descriptions on E010 in Chapter 6 “Self Diagnosis.”
2. Vertical path clutch (CL1)
Execute the following in service mode: code 1 of
COPIER>FUNCTION>PART-CHK>CL, i.e., CL-ON. Is the clutch drive
signal present at J1603 of the pickup PCB? (J1603-4: 24 V, J1603-1:
YES: The vertical path clutch is faulty. Replace the clutch.
3. Pickup PCB, DC controller PCB
Execute the following in service mode: code 1 of
COPIER>FUNCTION>PART-CHK>CL; i.e., CL-ON. Is the clutch control
signal present at J302A-4 of the DC controller PCB?
YES: Replace the pickup PCB.
NO: Replace the DC controller PCB.
4.2.4 The registration roller fails to rotate.
1. Registration paper sensor (PS10)
When paper is placed over the sensor, does bit 3 change from ‘0’ to ‘1’?
(service mode: COPIER>I/O>DC-CON>IO-P015)?
NO: The registration paper sensor is faulty. Replace the sensor.
2. Registration MOTOR (M9)
Execute the following in service mode: code 9 of
COPIER>FUNCTION>PART-CHK>MTR. Is the motor drive signal
present at J309 of the DC controller PCB? (J309-1: REG_A, J309-2:
REG_A*, J309-3: 24 VU, J309-4: 24 VU, J309-5: REG_B, J309-6:
YES: The registration motor is faulty. Replace the motor.
NO: The DC controller PCB is faulty. Replace the PCB.