Things You Must Do Before Using This Machine
Before You Start Using This Machine
Things You Must Do Before Using This Machine
This section describes the important setting registrations and procedures that must be done
before the machine is used for sending operations. For the further details of the operations, see
"Things You Must Do Before Using This Machine" in the Sending Guide.
If you attempt to use the machine without registering the necessary information correctly, the machine
may not function properly.
Network settings have to be specified in order to send scanned documents to an e-mail address, an
I-fax address, or a file server. (See the Network Guide.)
Setting the Current Date and Time
You can set the current date and time. The current date and time settings are used as standard
timer settings for functions that require them.
You can also specify to automatically synchronize the date and time with a server on the network from
the Additional Functions screen. (See Chapter 3, "Using a TCP/IP Network," in the Network Guide.
• GMT: The time at the Greenwich Observatory in England is called GMT
(Greenwich Mean Time).
• Time Zone: The standard time zones of the world are expressed globally in terms
of the difference in hours ( up to 12 hours) from GMT ( 0 hours). A
time zone is a region throughout which this time difference is the
• Daylight Saving Time: In some countries, time is advanced throughout the summer season.
The period in which this is applied is called "Daylight Saving Time."