Support Code List
The support code appears on the touch screen and the computer screen when an error occurs.
"Support Code" means the error number and appears with an error message.
When an error occurs, check the support code displayed on the touch screen or the computer screen and
take the appropriate action.
Support Code Appears on the Touch Screen and the Computer Screen
• 1000 to 1ZZZ
1003 1200 1300 1303 1310 1313
1314 1575 1600 1660 1688 1700
1701 1754 1755 1871 1890
• 2000 to 2ZZZ
2001 2002 2110 2120 2500 2700
2801 2802 2803
• 4000 to 4ZZZ
4100 4103
• 5000 to 5ZZZ
5011 5012 5040 5100 5102 5103
5104 5105 5200 5203 5204 5205
5206 5207 5208 5209 5400 5500
5501 5B00 5B01 5C01
• 6000 to 6ZZZ
6000 6500 6502 6700 6800 6801
6900 6901 6902 6910 6911 6920
6921 6930 6931 6932 6933 6936
6937 6938 6939 693A 6940 6941
6942 6943 6944 6945 6946
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