Switching hub
A network connection box to which a number of computers can be connected. The
switching hub forwards a data packet from the network to the appropriate computer
according to the packet’s address. Conventional hubs simply send every packet to every
connected computer. Since a switching hub forwards packets only to their intended
recipients, it provides greater efficiency.
Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The protocol used to
connect to the Internet and to wide-area networks.
Uniform Resource Locator. A standard way of specifying the location of an object, usually
a web page, on the Internet. The URL for a web page would look something like this:
"http://www.w3.org". Here, “http:” indicates that a web page is being accessed,
“//www.w3.org” is the address of the server containing the web page.
Vector Graphics
(See definition for Raster.)
Wide Area Network.