Initializing the Network Settings of the Machine
• Note that initialization erases all network settings on the machine, printing or scanning operation from a
computer over network may become impossible. To use the machine over network, perform setup with
the Setup CD-ROM or perform setup according to the instructions on our website.
1. Start up IJ Network Tool.
Select the printer in Printers:.
Select Maintenance... from the Settings menu.
The Maintenance screen is displayed.
Click Initialize.
When the confirmation screen is displayed, click Yes.
The network settings of the printer is initialized.
Do not turn off the printer during initialization.
Click OK when initialization is complete.
Performing initialization when connected over wireless LAN will break the connection, so perform setup
with the Setup CD-ROM or perform setup according to the instructions on our website.
• You can change the network settings of the printer using IJ Network Tool with USB connection after
initializing the LAN settings. To change the network settings using Canon IJ Network Tool, activate
wireless LAN in advance.