27 Photo Printing From Film Chapter 5
5 Photo Printing From Film
You can scan 35 mm film into the machine. Both film strips (six connected frames per
strip after regular developing) and slides (one frame per mounted slide) are supported. For
more information, see the User’s Guide.
X Loading The Film
1 Remove the FAU Protective Sheet
from the Document Cover.
2 Remove both the film guides for
film strip and slides from the rear of
the FAU Protective Sheet.
3 Mount film in the appropriate film
guide as described below.
z Mounting a 35 mm Film Strip:
1. On the film guide, open the film holder.
2. Mount the film in the film guide with the
front side (the side showing the correct
image) face down so that the frame order
runs from right to left.
3. Turn the film guide upside down.
35mm film strip 35mm slide