Your NVD-NORS210/220 comes with the photo/video adapter
allowing for night photo/video shooting.
Night photo shooting with the device NVD-NORS210/220 is
easily performed with application of mirror 35mm SLR cameras
(Nikon, Canon, Pentax etc) with standard objectives that
have the focal length of 50-58 mm.
Preparation of the device for photo shooting:
- Screw the adapter ring
supplied in the set
(diameter 52mm or 37mm)
to the rest into the
setting place of the
light filter of the
objective in your
camera. (If the
objective of your
camera has another
setting diameter for a light filter (for example, 49mm or
58mm) your have to purchase adapter rings from the size
of 52mm to your size);
- Remove the rubber eyepiece guard from the scope;
- Set the eyepiece in the medium position;
- Fix the adapter ring with a camera on the cylindrical
belt of the eyepiece body;
- Switch on the device and focus the assembled system with
the help of the objectives of the device and camera. If
the image cannot be focused the camera with the ring
should be removed and the coupling of the eyepiece of the
device should be turned a little. Assemble the system
again and check its focusing. At some position of the
eyepiece and objective of the camera the system will be
focused exactly;
- Fasten the adapter ring with the camera to the body of
the eyepiece of the device with the help of three
blocking screws. During further photo shooting sharpness
of the system is obtained with the help of the objective
of the device only;
- Set diaphragm on the objective of the camera equal 2.8 or
4 (shooting is possible even at lower diaphragm indices,
for example 2, but the obtained pictures will have worse
resolution). Taking photos with a completely opened
diaphragm of the objective is justified for the shooting
of quickly moving objects only.
The TTL system, which is installed at most mirror prism
cameras easily estimate exposure during the shooting with
the device. If your camera is not equipped with the TTL
system, the table can approximately estimate the shutter
speed at the diaphragm number of the camera equal 2.0:
ISO 50 100 200 400 800 1600 3200
Shutter speed, sec. 1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60
Use a film ISO 400 or more.
Application of a tripod is strongly recommended for
achievement of higher quality of photos.
Maintenance and Storage Rules
Device maintenance and storage rules are very simple:
Keep and carry the device in a closed box with a cover put
on the objective.
Protect the device from hits and direct influence of rain,
snow and dust on the optical parts.
Protect the box from moisture penetration and the device
should be protected from direct sun influence. The device
should be kept in a warm dry place far from heating
devices. Batteries should be taken out. Storage temperature
must not exceed 60°C.
NVD-NORS210/220 does not work . . .
Make sure that the batteries have been installed and they
are in good condition.
NVD-NORS210/220 cannot be focused . . .
Adjust the objective lens and eyepiece according to the
instructions specified in the Operation section. If the
device is not still focusing wipe and clean the optical
The image has faded or disappeared completely . . .
Bright source of light can be a reason of the image
reduction, loss of resolution or complete disappearance. If
NVD-NORS210/220 has been switched off automatically, turn
the switch to the position OFF. The unit will be ready for
use in one-two seconds.
Condensation effect . . .
In order to avoid misting of the eyepiece lens in cold time
use special anti-damping covers (for example, for