1 Cons-Spd wide Zoom High speed Wide zoom 500 $10 $8* $00 $01 $00
2 Step wide Zooming Step feed wide zooming 2000 $10 $8* $00 $03 $00
3 Cons-Spd Tele Zoom High speed Tele zoom 500 $10 $8* $01 $01 $00
4 Step Tele Zooming Step feed tele zooming 2000 $10 $8* $01 $03 $00
5 Stop Zooming Stop zooming motor 500 $10 $8* $02 $00 $00
6 Access-to-Zoom Access to a Zoom Position 9000 $10 $8* $03 $00 $**
7 Request Zoom Request Zoom position 100 $10 $8* $04 $00 $00
8 Wide Zoom w/ AF
High spd Wide zoom w/AF 500 $10 $8* $05 $00 $00
9 Tele Zoom w/ AF
High spd Tele zoom w/AF 500 $10 $8* $06 $00 $00
10 OP AF Operate auto focus 20000 $10 $8* $10 $00 $00
11 Cons-Spd focus near High speed focus near 500 $10 $8* $12 $01 $00
12 Step focus near Step feed focus near 2000 $10 $8* $12 $03 $00
13 Cons-Spd focus far High speed focus far 500 $10 $8* $13 $01 $00
14 Step focus far Step feed focus far 2000 $10 $8* $13 $03 $00
15 Stop focusing Stop the auto focus 500 $10 $8* $14 $00 $00
16 OP AWB Operate Auto White Bal. 7000 $10 $8* $20 $00 $00
17 Access to WB Access to a WB position 500 $10 $8* $22 $00 $**
18 Access to EXP Access to a EXP position 500 $10 $8* $2A $00 $**
19 Access to Detail Access to a Detail position 500 $10 $8* $30 $00 $**
20 Set Positive mode
Set positive image mode 500 $10 $8* $38 $00 $00
21 Set Negative mode
Set negative image mode 500 $10 $8* $38 $01 $00
22 Set Color mode Set Color output mode 500 $10 $8* $40 $00 $00
23 Set B/W mode Set B/W output mode 500 $10 $8* $40 $01 $00
2.1 Camera Control Commands Table
2.0 Control Command and Packet Tables
1 byte
2 byte
ID number
3 byte
4 byte
5 byte
The RE-350 responds with a C-response data packet immediately after the reception of this command, but it is
still working on the Zoom control and AF adjustment.
The RE-350 responds with a C-response data packet immediately after the reception of this command, but it is
still working on the AWB adjustment.