CChhaapptteerr 55::
TThhee BBJJ SSoolluuttiioonn SSooffttwwaarree––
DDoowwnnllooaaddiinngg IImmaaggeess
The BJ Solution software—a fun way to view, organize, adjust, and print
images—includes ZoomBrowser EX and PhotoRecord (for Windows) and
ImageBrowser (for Macintosh) and PhotoStitch (for Windows/Macintosh).
EEaassyy--ttoo--uussee ffeeaattuurreess iinncclluuddee::
• Move, copy, or delete images stored on computer disks.
• Crop images and adjust colors with simple editing tools.
• View all files within a specified folder simultaneously; zoom in and out for
easier visual searches.
• View your files in chronological order via the “time tunnel” window.
• Display images one-by-one at full-screen size using the slide show function.
• Merge a series of images into a panoramic view using the PhotoStitch
• Produce photo-like prints using Canon Photo Paper Pro or Canon Specialty
Paper. (See “Recommended Paper Use” on page 3.) Print multiple images on
a single sheet, and add customized borders and background designs. Even
add titles and insert text in images and on pages. Or use a printing utility,
PhotoRecord, to create your own personal album.