Starting and Closing SMS
Logging In Using the Shared Password for SMS
You can access SMS by logging in from the SMS login page using the password set in SMS.
Enter the URL below in the address bar of the Web browser.
http://<IP address of the device>:<HTTP port number>/sms
If you do not know the IP address of the printer, consult your administrator.
You cannot connect via a proxy server. If your system environment has a proxy server, perform
the following setting. (As settings vary according to the system environment, consult your
network administrator.)
Enter the IP address of the printer into [Exceptions] in the Web browser proxy server
Set your Web browser to enable all cookies and use JavaScript.
The default HTTP port number is 8000. If the HTTP port number has been changed in the
printer's protocol settings, enter the new HTTP port number. If you do not know the HTTP port
number, consult your administrator.
The device's eight digit serial number is displayed on the SMS Login screen. This serial number is
necessary when obtaining a license file from the License Management System.
A drop-down list for switching the displayed language is displayed on the top right of the
screen. Select the display language as necessary.