Log Message List
■ HTTP Server Messages
●H143 User name specification failure [notice]
Message (http_auth.c.858) get_password failed (H143)
Explanation An unknown user has been specified in the user authentication.
●H145 Connection rejected due to host access restriction [notice]
Message (mod_haccess.c.XXX) host %1 access denied (H145)
%1 IP Address
Explanation A connection has been rejected due to host access restriction.
Message (http_auth.c.865) password doesn’t match for %1 %2 (H144)
%1 URL Name of the user who executed the countermeasure for XSS vulnerability (process equivalent
to ftpd)
%2 User Name
Explanation An incorrect password has been specified in the user authentication.
●H144 Password specification failure [notice]
●S005 System setting changed [info]
Message (vbadmin.c.XXX) System settings updated (S005)
Explanation The settings have been changed without a reboot.
●S004 System start and stop [info]
Message %1 webview
%1 Start (starting) or stop (stopping)
Explanation The Video Server (webview) has started or stopped.
■ System Messages
●S240 Camera error [warning]
Message serviceman call (S240)
Explanation The camera may have an error. Ask for service.
●S306 Error in saving setting values [err]
Message Can't update system settings (S306)
Explanation An error occurred when saving setting values in the system. The setting values failed to be saved.
Countermeasure Need to make space by, for example, deleting unnecessary files in the user area.
●S307 Error in saving setting values [err]
Message (vbadmin.c XXX) Can't update system settings (S307)
Explanation An error occurred when saving setting values using the setting protocol. The setting values failed
to be saved.
Countermeasure Need to make space by, for example, deleting unnecessary files in the user area.