Failur e to follow the s tep s outlined below for each
appliance co nn ected to the ventin g system b ein g
placed into operation, could result in carbon monoxide
poisoning or death:
The followin g step s sh all be follow ed for each
appliance co n nected to the ventin g system b ein g
placed into operation, while all o th er appliances
connected to the venting sys tem are not in operation:
1. Seal any unused openings in the venting system.
2. Inspect the venting system for proper size and
horizontal pitch, as required in the National Fuel Gas
Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 or CSA B149.1, Natural
Gas and Propane Installation Code and these
instructions. Determine that there is no blockage or
restriction, leakage, corrosion and other deficiencies
which could cause an unsafe condition.
3. As far as practical, close all building doors and
windows and all doors between the space in which the
appliance(s) connected to the venting system are
located and other spaces of the building.
4. Close fireplace dampers.
5. Turn on clothes dryers and any appliance not connected
to the venting system. Turn on any exhaust fans, such
as range hoods and bathroom exhausts, so they are
operating at maximum speed. Do not operate a summer
exhaust fan.
6. Follow the lighting instructions. Place the appliance
being inspected into operation. Adjust the thermostat so
appliance is operating continuously.
7. Test for spillage from draft hood equipped appliances at
the draft hood relief opening after 5 minutes of main
burner operation. Use the flame of a match or candle.
(Fig. 6)
8. If improper venting is observed, during any of the
above tests, the venting system must be corrected in
accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI
Z223.1/NFPA 54 and/or CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and
Propane Installation Code.
9. After it has been determined that each appliance
connected to the venting system properly vents when
tested as outlined above, return doors, windows,
exhaust fans, fireplace dampers and any other gas--fired
burning appliance to their previous conditions of use.
For Two Pipe Installation (Direct Vent)
This furnace can NOT be common vented or connected to any type
B, BW or L vent or vent connector, nor to any portion of a
factory-- built or masonry chimney. If this furnace is replacing a
previously common-vented furnace, it may be necessary to resize
the existing vent and chimney to prevent oversizing problems for
the other remaining appliance(s). See “Venting and Combustion Air
Check” in this section. This furnace MUST be vented to the
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury
or death.
Use methods described here to provide combustion and
ventilation air.
Dual Certified
Direct or Non- Direct Vent
This furnace is certified as a Category IV furnace. This furnace can
be installed as a direct vent furnace using outside air for combustion
or the furnace can use air from inside the structure for combustion.
The INLET air pipe is optional. If combustion air comes from
inside the structure, adequate make up air MU ST be provided to
compensate for oxygen burned. See Confined Space Installation
in the Combustion and Ventilation Air chapter. If combustion air is
drawn from outside the structure, it MUST be taken from the same
atmospheric pressure zone as the vent pipe.
Contaminated Combustion Air
Installations in certain areas or types of structures will increase the
exposure to chemicals or halogens that may harm the furnace.
The following areas or types of structures may contain or have
exposure to the substances listed below. The installation must be
evaluated carefully as it may be necessary to provide outside air for
S Commercial buildings.
S Buildings with indoor pools.
S Furnaces installed in laundry rooms.
S Furnaces installed in hobby or craft rooms.
S Furnaces installed near chemical storage areas.
S Permanent wave solutions for hair.
S Chlorinated waxes and cleaners.
S Chlorine based swimming pool chemicals.
S Water softening chemicals.
S De--icing salts or chemicals.
S Carbon tetrachloride.
S Halogen type refrigerants.
S Cleaning solvents (such as perchloroethylene).
S Printing inks, paint removers, varnishes, etc.
S Hydrochloric acid.
S Sulfuric Acid.
S Solvent cements and glues
S Antistatic fabric softeners for clothes dryers.
S Masonry acid washing materials.
Vent and Combustion Air Piping Guidelines
This furnace is approved for venting with Schedule 40 PVC,
CPVC, ABS fittings, and Cellular Core and SDR--26 PVC pipe.
(1.) NOTE: In Canada, all pipe, fittings & cements
must conform to applicable CSA standards or to
local codes having jurisdiction.