VERIFY Mode Calculation Examples
To verify log2 Ͻ log3 Ͻ log4
l 2 )16 (VERIFY) 4 ( Ͻ)
l 3 )16 (VERIFY) 4 ( Ͻ)
l 4 )=
To verify 0 Ͻ
( )
0 16 (VERIFY) 4 ( Ͻ)
8 ' 9 ew- 8 ' 9 =
To verify 5
= 25 =
5 w16 (VERIFY) 1 (=)
25 16 (VERIFY) 1 (=) ! 625 =
Distribution Calculations (DIST)
You can use the procedures below to perform seven different types of
distribution calculations.
1. Press Nc3(DIST) to enter the DIST Mode.
2. On the menu that appears, select a distribution calculation type.
To select this type of calculation: Press this key:
Normal probability density
1(Normal PD)
Normal cumulative distribution
2(Normal CD)
Inverse normal cumulative distribution
3(Inverse Normal)
Binomial probability
4(Binomial PD)
Binomial cumulative distribution
c1(Binomial CD)
Poisson probability
c2(Poisson PD)
Poisson cumulative distribution
c3(Poisson CD)
3. Input values for the variables.
• With Binomial PD, Binomial CD, Poisson PD, and Poisson CD, you can
input sample data and then perform calculations.
4. After inputting values for all of the variables, press =.
• This displays the calculation results.
• Pressing = or A while a calculation result is displayed will return to
the input screen of the first variable
Note: • To change the distribution calculation type after you enter the DIST
Mode, press !1(STAT/DIST)1(Type) and then select the distribution
type you want. • Distribution calculation accuracy is up to five significant