6Fix 7Sci 8Norm Specifies the number of digits for display of a
calculation result.
Fix: The value you specify (from 0 to 9) controls the number of decimal
places for displayed calculation results. Calculation results are rounded off
to the specified digit before being displayed.
Example: b 100 ÷ 7 = 14.286 (Fix 3)
14.29 (Fix 2)
Sci: The value you specify (from 1 to 10) controls the number of significant
digits for displayed calculation results. Calculation results are rounded off to
the specified digit before being displayed.
Example: b 1 ÷ 7 = 1.4286 × 10
(Sci 5)
1.429 × 10
(Sci 4)
Norm: Selecting one of the two available settings ( Norm 1 , Norm 2)
determines the range in which results will be displayed in non-exponential
format. Outside the specified range, results are displayed using exponential
Norm 1: 10
Ͼ | x |, | x | м 10
Norm 2: 10
Ͼ | x |, | x | м 10
Example: b 1 ÷ 200 = 5 × 10
(Norm 1)
0.005 (Norm 2)
c1ab/c c2 d/c Specifies either mixed fraction (ab/c) or improper
fraction (d/c) for display of fractions in calculation results.
c3STAT 1ON ; 2OFF Specifies whether or not to display a FREQ
(frequency) column in the STAT Mode Stat Editor.
c4TABLE 1f(x) ; 2f(x),g(x) Specifies whether to use function
only or the two functions
f(x) and g(x) in the TABLE Mode.
c5Rdec 1ON ; 2OFF Specifies whether or not to display calculation
results using recurring decimal form.
c6Disp 1Dot ; 2Comma Specifies whether to display a dot or
a comma for the calculation result decimal point. A dot is always displayed
during input.
Note: When dot is selected as the decimal point, the separator for multiple
results is a comma (,). When comma is selected, the separator is a
semicolon (;).
c7]CONT ' Adjusts display contrast. See “Adjusting Display
Contrast” for details.
Initializing Calculator Settings
Perform the following procedure to initialize the calculator, which returns the
calculation mode to COMP and returns all other settings, including setup
menu settings, to their initial defaults.
19(CLR) 1(Setup) =(Yes)