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3. Press FUNC to change to the editing screen.
4. Input up to five characters for the name of the first currency, and press OK.
5. Input up to five characters for the name of the second currency, and press OK.
6. Input up to 12 digits for the integer and 12 digits for the decimal part for the rate
of the first currency, and press OK.
7. Input up to 12 digits for the integer and 12 digits for the decimal part for the rate
of the second currency, and press OK to complete the procedure.
• Note that one of the currency rates is normally set to 1. To set up a conversion
pair where 1 unit of Currency A equals 100 units of Currency B, you could use
either of the following.
Currency A rate = 1 / Currency B rate = 100
Currency A rate = 0.01 / Currency B rate = 1
• To leave either currency name or rate unchanged in the above procedure, simply
press OK without inputting anything.
To perform a currency conversion
1. Enter the Currency Conversion Mode.
2. Use K and L to find the one you want to use.
3. Use H and J to change the direction of the conversion.
4. Input the value you want to convert from and press OK to display the conversion
5. If you want to view your original input value, press OK again.