
Tool Control System. This system offers
the most flexibility and versatility of the
auxiliary options offered. This system
is available in two configurations, as a
stand-alone system or with a medium
pressure circuit and third pump.
This system is capable of running
either one-way or two-way tools
and one one-pump or two pump tools.
The additional of the medium pressure
circuit allows use of tools that rotate
such as grapples, shears or multi-
processors. Up to 10 different tool
settings can be pre-programmed
and selected through the monitor.
Auxiliary Hydraulics Options. There are
four different options that can be factory
installed to meet the various demands for
hydra-mechanical tools. Single-Function,
Double-Function, Tool Control System
without Medium Pressure and Tool
Control System with Medium Pressure
are available as a factory installed option.
Single-Function Auxiliary Hydraulics.
This circuit utilizes one-way flow
action with two pumps and can run
tools such as hammers and vibratory
plate compactors.
Double-Function Auxiliary Hydraulics.
This circuit utilizes two-way flow and
one pump and is capable of running
tools such as a thumb, tilt-bucket or
non-rotating grapples or shears.
Machine Security. An optional Machine
Security System is available from the
factory on the 325D L. This system
controls when the machine can be
operated and utilizes specific keys
to prevent unauthorized machine use,
a significant theft deterrent.
Product Link. The machine is pre-wired
to accept Product Link systems to be
installed in the field. Product Link is
also available as a factory installed
attachment. Product Link can assist
with Fleet Management that will keep
track of hours, location, security and
product health.
Pin Grabber Plus Hydraulic Pin Grabber
Increases versatility of the excavator
by allowing the machine to pick up a
wide variety of work tools without
leaving the cab.
Sorting Grapple
Caterpillar Grapples replace the bucket
on Caterpillar Excavators, converting
them to the ideal machine for handling
loose material, sorting trash and
demolition site cleanup. An array of
styles and sizes are available to match
the task at hand.
A wide variety of optional factory-installed attachments to enhance performance
and improve job site management.