
SEBU7858-03 27
Safety Section
Visibility Information
Visibility Information
SMCS Code: 7000
Before you sta
rt the machine, perform a walk-around
inspection in order to ensure that there are no
hazards around the machine.
While the machine is in operation, constantly survey
the area around the machine in order to identify
potential h
azards as hazards become visible around
the machine.
Your machi
ne may be equipped with visual aids.
Some examples of visual aids are Closed Circuit
Television (CCTV) and mirrors. Before operating the
machine, e
nsure that the visual aids are in proper
working condition and that the visual aids are clean.
Adjust the visual aids using the procedures that are
located i
n this Operation and Maintenance Manual.
If equipped, the Work Area Vision System shall be
adjusted according to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, S
EBU8157, “Work Area Vision System”.
It may not be possible to provide direct visibility on
large ma
chines to all areas around the machine.
Appropriate job site organization is required in order
to minimize hazards that are caused by restricted
ity. Job site organization is a collection of rules
and procedures that coordinates machines and
people that work together in the same area. Examples
of job s
ite organization include the following:
Safety instructions
Controlled patterns of machine movement and
vehicle movement
Workers that direct trafctomovewhenitissafe
ricted areas
Operator training
Warning symbols or warning signs on machines
or on vehicles
A system of communication
munication between workers and operators
prior to approaching the machine
dications of t he machine conguration by the
user that result in a restriction of visibility shall be
Restricted Visibility
SMCS Code: 7000
econguration of this machine may
result in areas that can not be seen when the operator
is seated. Illustration 30 provides an approximate
visual indic
ation of areas of signicant restricted
visibility. Illustration 30 indicates restricted visibility
areas at ground level inside a radius of 12.00 m
(40 ft) from
the operator on a machine without the
use of optional visual aids. This illustration does not
provide areas of restricted visibility for distances
outside a r
adius of 12.00 m (40 ft).
This machine may be equipped with optional visual
aids that m
ay provide visibility to some of the
restricted visibility areas. Refer to this Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Mirror” for more information on
al visibility. If your machine is equipped with
cameras, refer to this Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Camera” for more information on additional
ty. For areas that are not covered by the
optional visual aids, the job site organization must
be utilized to minimize hazards of this restricted
ity. For more information regarding job site
organization refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Visibility Information”.
Illustration 30
Top view of the machine