Glossary MediaVault 4105 User Manual
MV 4105_Ciprico Inc.
logical drive One or more disk drives grouped together and which
appear as a single device to an operating system.
mirroring The duplication of data for backup, or a method of
distributing network data traffic among several
computers with identical (redundant) data.
NTFS New Technology File System The file system used by the Microsoft Windows
NT/2000/XP operating systems.
parity A type of data protection that recreates the data of
failed disk drive.
port A connection point to the RAID controller, disk drive,
enclosure, or another device.
RAID Redundant Array of Independent
A method for storing the same data in different places
on multiple hard disks (except for RAID 0, which does
not have redundancy).
RTR Real Time RAID Allows RAID data to be identified, and for disk failures
to be corrected, on the fly and without interrupting
real-time data flow.
SMART Self-Monitoring Analysis and
Reporting Technology
A set of advanced diagnostics that monitor the
internal operations of disk drives and provide early
warning of any potential problems
striping The process of partitioning each drive's storage
space into units ranging from a sector (512K) up to
several megabytes. Striping interleaves bytes or
groups of bytes across multiple drives, so more than
one disk is reading and writing simultaneously.
TABLE G-1. Acronyms or Terminology.
Acronym or
Word Acronym Description Definition