
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide How to Use the OPCTest Utility 182
c:\>opctest /my_customer_instance /pg1a
d:\temp>opctest /my_customer_instance /pg1a
Using OPCTest
To list available commands, type help or ? from the OPCTest command prompt.
Some of the OPCTest commands, such as List_Agents and List_Trunk_Group,
require one or more additional command line switches. Type command name /? to
obtain the proper syntax.
Command Line Options
Syntax: opctest [/f InputFile] [/system SystemName] [/cust Customer]
[/node ICMNode] [/pipe OutputPipe] [/debug] [/stop] [/help] [/?]
Parameter Descriptions
agent_trace: Controls agent tracing in the router.
call_control, call: Controls various kinds access to OPC calls.
checksum, check: Requests router to do a checksum.
debug_control, debug: Controls various kinds of debugging output from opc.
dump: Requests opc to do a internal state dump to a file.
dump_agent, da: Dump contents of Agent within OPC.
dump_call, dc: Dump OPCs call states.
dump_hash, dh: Display OPCs internal hash statistics.
dump_struct, ds: Requests OPC to dump a structure.
dump_tpservices, dtps: Dump Third Party Service Data object.
echo: Controls echoing of command lines
error_stop: Controls setting of stop on error flag.
exit_opc, exitopc: Sends an message telling the OPC to exit.
expression, expr: Gives the router an expression to evaluate.
help, ?: Displays this help.