Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 8 Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol
Configuring STP Features
The radio and Ethernet interfaces and the native VLAN on the access point/bridge are assigned to bridge
group 1 by default. When you enable STP and assign a priority on bridge group 1, STP is enabled on the
radio and Ethernet interfaces and on the primary VLAN, and those interfaces adopt the priority assigned
to bridge group 1. You can create bridge groups for sub-interfaces and assign different STP settings to
those bridge groups.
Configuring STP Settings
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure STP on the access point/bridge:
Bridge forward delay 15
Ethernet port path cost 19
Ethernet port priority 128
Radio port path cost 33
Radio port priority 128
Table 8-2 Default STP Values When STP is Enabled (continued)
Setting Default Value
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
interface { dot11radio number | fastethernet
number }
Enter interface configuration mode for radio or Ethernet
interfaces or sub-interfaces.
The 2.4-GHz radio and the 2.4-GHz 802.11n radio is 0.
The 5-GHz radio and the 5-GHz 802.11n radio is 1.
The fast Ethernet interface is 0.
Step 3
bridge-group number Assign the interface to a bridge group. You can number your
bridge groups from 1 to 255.
Step 4
no bridge-group number spanning-disabled Counteract the command that automatically disables STP for a
bridge group. STP is enabled on the interface when you enter
the bridge n protocol ieee command.
Step 5
exit Return to global configuration mode.
Step 6
bridge number protocol ieee Enable STP for the bridge group. You must enable STP on each
bridge group that you create with bridge-group commands.
Step 7
bridge number priority priority (Optional) Assign a priority to a bridge group. The lower the
priority, the more likely it is that the bridge becomes the
spanning-tree root.
Step 8
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 9
show spanning-tree bridge Verify your entries.
Step 10
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.