Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Appendix C Error and Event Messages
SSH Error Messages
Error Message SNMP-4-NOENGINEIDV6: Remote snmpEngineID for Unrecognized format ‘ %P’ not found
when creating user: “s”
An attempt to create a user failed.This is likely because the engine ID of the remote
agent (or SNMP manager) was not configured.
Recommended Action Configure the remote snmpEngineID and reconfigure the user. If the problem
persists, copy the error message exactly as it appears, and report it to your technical support
Error Message SNMP_MGR-3-MISSINGHOSTIPV6: Cannot locate information on SNMP informs
host:Unrecognized format ‘ %P’
A table entry for the mentioned SNMP informs destination cannot be found. As a result,
inform notifications will not be sent to this destination.
Recommended Action Run the show snmp host and show snmp commands. Copy the error message
and output from the show commands exactly as they appear, and report it to your technical support
representative. Deleting and re-adding the informs destination via the snmp-server host
configuration command may clear the condition. Otherwise, reloading the system may be necessary.
SSH Error Messages
Error Message SSH-5-SSH2_CLOSE: SSH2 Session from ”%s” (tty = “%d”) for user ’”%s”’
using crypto cipher ’”%s”’, hmac ’”%s”’ closed
The SSH Session closure information
Recommended Action None - informational message
Error Message SSH-5-SSH2_SESSION: SSH2 Session request from ”%s” (tty = “%d”) using
crypto cipher ’”%s”’, hmac ’”%s”’ ”%s”
The SSH session request information
Recommended Action None - informational message
Error Message SSH-5-SSH2_USERAUTH: User ’”%s”’ authentication for SSH2 Session from
”%s” (tty = “%d”) using crypto cipher ’”%s”’, hmac ’”%s”’ ”%s”
The SSH user authentication status information
Recommended Action None - informational message