
Chapter 6: Using the Phone Application
Setting Install Time Configuration
Linksys One Communications Solution
Refer to the following table for a description of the information displayed in the FXO Devices
To add a Location to an FXO Device:
1. Type location text in the Location field.
2. Click Commit.
To assign a trunk to the port of a Device:
1. Click the more ( ) and choose a trunk.
2. If necessary, repeat step 1 for all other ports.
3. Click Commit.
Field Description
IP The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device.
MAC The Media Access Control (MAC) address is the unique identifier for the device.
This number is also printed on the device.
Initialization The status of the initialization process.
Last Started The time since the system was last started.
Line The port label as indicated on the physical port of the device. For each
available port, a label is displayed next to the RJ-11 icon.
NOTE: The Location field is a descriptive
label only and is not used any where
else in the Linksys One system.
FXO Device Location Fields