Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeCenter Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Hardware Features
Fault/Stack Mode LED
The fault/stack mode LED shows either a fault condition or the switch stack status, depending on the
Mode button selection. When the switch module is not stacked and there is no fault, the LED is off. If
the switch module is stacked and the stack mode LED is selected, the stack member LED is active.
Table 1-5 lists the LED colors and their meanings (only Catalyst Switch Module 3110G and 3110X).
Fault LED
The fault LED shows the switch module fault condition. Table 1-6 lists the LED colors and their
meanings (only Catalyst Switch Module 3012).
Stack Member LED
The stack member LED is active when the switch module is stacked and you select by using the Mode
button. The stack member LED blinks the number of times equal to the switch stack membership
Table 1-7 lists the LED colors and their meanings (only Catalyst Switch Module 3110G and
Table 1-5 Fault/Stack Mode LED
Color Fault Mode Description Stack Mode Description
Off No switch module faults. Stack mode is not selected.
Green — Switch stack mode is selected. When this LED is
green, the stack member LED displays the stack
membership number, and the port LEDs display link
Amber Switch module fault
Table 1-6 Fault LED
Color Fault Mode Description
Off No switch module faults.
Amber Switch module fault detected.
Table 1-7 Fault/Stack Mode LED
Color Description
Off Stack mode is not selected, or the switch module is not stacked.
Blinking green Stack member number.