Chapter 11 Logs and Reports
Remote Logging
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
c. Click the name of the ODBC log you are configuring.
The ODBC log Configuration page appears, where log is the name of the
ODBC log you selected.
Step 11 Select the Log to ODBC log report check box, where log is the name of the
ODBC log you selected.
Step 12 Click Submit.
Cisco Secure ACS begins sending logging data to the relational database table
specified, using the system DSN you configured.
Remote Logging
This section discusses remote logging capabilities of Cisco Secure ACS.
This section contains the following topics:
• About Remote Logging, page 11-26
• Implementing Centralized Remote Logging, page 11-27
• Remote Logging Options, page 11-28
• Enabling and Configuring Remote Logging, page 11-29
• Disabling Remote Logging, page 11-31
About Remote Logging
The Remote Logging feature enables you to centralize accounting logs generated
by multiple Cisco Secure ACSes. You can configure each Cisco Secure ACS to
point to one Cisco Secure ACS that is to be used as a central logging server. The
central logging Cisco Secure ACS still performs AAA functions, but it also is the
repository for accounting logs it receives. For more information about
Cisco Secure ACS accounting logs, see Accounting Logs, page 11-6.
The Remote Logging feature enables Cisco Secure ACS to send accounting data
received from AAA clients directly to the CSLog service on the remote logging
server, where the accounting data is written to the logs. The logging server