
Configuration Guide for Cisco Secure ACS 4.2
Chapter 9 NAC Configuration Scenario
Step 3: Set Up System Configuration
Obtain Certificates and Copy Them to the ACS Host
To copy a certificate to the ACS host:
Step 1 Obtain a security certificate.
Step 2 Create a \certs directory on the ACS server.
a. Open a DOS command window.
b. To create a certificates directory, enter:
mkdir <selected_drive>:\certs
where selected_drive is the currently selected drive.
Step 3 For example, copy the following files to the \certs directory:
ACS-1.nac.cisco.com.cer (server certificate)
ACS-1.PrivateKey.txt (server certificate private key)
ca.nac.cisco.com.cer (CA certificate)
You are now ready to set up the ACS certification authority.
Set Up the ACS Certification Authority
To set up the ACS certification authority:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click System Configuration.
The System Configuration page opens.
Step 2 Click ACS Certificate Setup.
The ACS Certificate Setup page opens.
Step 3 Click ACS Certification Authority Setup.
The ACS Certificate Authority page opens, as shown in Figure 9-3.
Figure 9-3 ACS Certificate Authority Setup Page
Step 4 Enter the path and filename for the certificate authority certificate and then click Submit.
Step 5 Restart ACS.
To restart ACS, choose System Configuration > Service Control and then click Restart.