Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
CRS Engine Problems
The CRS server runs out of disk space
Possible symptoms are:
• An out of memory error occurs on the CRS server.
• Accessing purging or synchronization pages on the Administration UI returns an error.
• Running historical reports returns SQL error 5048.
Error Message SQL error 5048.
Possible Cause The CRS database log files, the tempdb database, or the tempdb log files have grown
Recommended Action There are two possible actions you can take:
Step 1 To manually shrink a CRS database log file, open a command window on the CRS server and type the
following commands:
osql -Usa -Ppassword -ddb_cra, where password is the password for the sa log in to the CRS database.
USE database_name, where database_name is db_cra.
DBCC SHRINKFILE (database_name_log.mdf), where database_name is db_cra.
Step 2 Alternatively, you can shrink the log files by running the batch file runTruncateHistDBLogs.bat,
installed under the wfavvid directory. Depending on the arguments, it shrinks the log files of db_cra or
• Truncate the log files for db_cra to 10MB:
• runTruncatedHistDBLogs “sa” “sa_password” “db_cra_all” 10
• Truncate the tempdb transaction log:
• runTruncateHistDBLogs “sa” “sa_password” “tempdb”
Additional information can be found about truncating logs in the Managing Historical Reporting
Databases section of the Cisco CRS Administration Guide.
Note This troubleshooting tip also applies to the CRS Database Problems section and the CRS Historical
Reporting Problems section.
CRS Server runs at 100% capacity or is very slow
Symptom The CRS server CPU works at or close to 100 percent capacity. DTMF digits are delayed.
Error Message None.
One of the following configurations might be causing this problem: