Cisco Secure Router 520 Series Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Basic Router Configuration
Interface Port Labels
Order the appropriate line from your public telephone service provider. Ensure that the ADSL
signaling type is DMT (also called ANSI T1.413) or DMT Issue 2.
Once you have collected the appropriate information, you can perform a full configuration on
your router, beginning with the tasks in the
“Configuring Basic Parameters” section.
Interface Port Labels
Table 1-1 lists the interfaces supported for each router and their associated port labels on the equipment.
Configuring Basic Parameters
To configure the router, perform one or more of these tasks:
• Configure Global Parameters
• Configure Fast Ethernet LAN Interfaces
• Configure WAN Interfaces
• Configuring a Loopback Interface
• Configuring Command-Line Access to the Router
A configuration example is presented with each task to show the network configuration following
completion of that task.
Ta ble 1-1 Supported Interfaces and Associated Port Labels by Router
Router Interface Port Label
Cisco Secure Router 520
Ethernet-to-Ethernet routers
Fast Ethernet LAN FE0–FE3
Fast Ethernet WAN FE4
Wireless LAN None (antenna is not labeled)
Cisco Secure Router 520
ADSL-over-POTS routers
Fast Ethernet LAN LAN (top), FE0–FE3 (bottom)
Wireless LAN None (antenna is not labeled)
Cisco Secure Router 520
ADSL-over-ISDN routers
Fast Ethernet LAN LAN (top), FE0–FE3 (bottom)
Wireless LAN None (antenna is not labeled)