Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine Guide
This preface describes who should read the Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine Guide, how it is
organized, and its document conventions.
Only trained and qualified service personnel (as defined in IEC 60950 and AS/NZS3260) should install,
replace, or service the equipment described in this publication.
This publication is organized as follows:
Chapter Title Description
Chapter 1 Catalyst 6500 Series
Switch Chassis Overview
Provides an overview of the Catalyst 6500 series
Chapter 2 Supervisor Engines Describes the Catalyst 6500 series supervisor engines.
Chapter 3 Installing Supervisor
Describes how to correctly and safely install supervisor
engines in the chassis.
Appendix A Pluggable Transceivers Provides information on the pluggable transceivers
supported by the supervisor engines.
Appendix B Port, Cable, and
Connector Specifications
Lists the cable specifications for the Catalyst 6500
series supervisor engine ports.
Appendix C ESD Precautions Describes ESD safety precautions that you need to
follow when handling the supervisor engines.