Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 3 Fibre Channel Commands
fc srp lu
Defaults Refer to the Syntax Description for default behavior and values.
Command Modes Global Configuration (config) mode.
Usage Guidelines
Platform Availability:
Cisco SFS 3001, Cisco SFS 3012
Privilege Level:
Unrestricted read-write user or Fibre Channel read-write user.
Use the
fc srp lu
command to configure LU attributes.
We recommend that you do not manually create LUs. We recommend that you let your gateway card(s)
detect LUs. The gateway card automatically creates LU entries when it discovers LUs.
For the following settings, the LU entry gets the default from srp-global settings at entry creation time
depending on the LU category.
Once a LU entry is created, the LU settings are independent of the srp-global. You may change the
settings on a per LU basis using this command.
Table 3-2 provides usage guidelines for this command.
Table 3-2 Usage Guidelines for fc srp lu Command Arguments
Argument Description
dynamic-gateway-port-failover Default: the configured value of the srp-global itl command
for this LU category(random/sequential).
Allows the controller to select an alternate gateway interface
port if the primary path fails. Enter the fc srp lu command
with this keyword to enable this feature. Otherwise, use the
no form of the command string to disable this feature. If you
enable this policy, you implicitly disable port load balancing
and dynamic path affinity.
dynamic-gateway-port-loadbalancing Default: the configured value of the srp-global itl command
for this LU category(random/sequential).
Allows data to be sent between the initiator and Fibre
Channel target using all available ports on the gateway
interface. Port selection relies upon comparative I/O traffic.
The controller attempts to distribute traffic equally between
the ports. Enter the fc srp lu command with this keyword to
enable this feature. Otherwise, user the no form of the
command string to disable this feature. If you enable this
policy, you implicitly disable port failover and dynamic path