Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco CallManager 3.2, Cisco IP Phones 7960/7940/7910
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install the Cisco IP Phone on Your Network
Configuring the Cisco IP Phone 7960 to Support the 7914 Expansion Module
Using the Bulk Administration Tool
The Cisco Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) is a plug-in application for
Cisco CallManager that enables system administrators to perform batch
operations, including registration, on large numbers of Cisco IP Phones.
Refer to the Bulk Administration Tool Guide for Cisco CallManager for
information about using BAT in your network.
Configuring the Cisco IP Phone 7960 to Support the
7914 Expansion Module
The Cisco IP Phone 7914 Expansion Module attaches to a Cisco IP Phone 7960
to extend the number or line appearances and/or speed dial buttons.
Before the 7914 Expansion Module can be used, you must access the
Cisco CallManager Administration application. Use the application to perform
the tasks detailed in the following sections:
Follow these steps to configure the Cisco IP Phone 7960 to support the
7914 Expansion Module.
Before You Begin
You might also want to customize the button templates for the
7914 Expansion Module. See the “Modifying Phone Button Templates” section
on page 6-5 for details.
Step 1 Log in to the Cisco CallManager Administration application.
The Cisco CallManager Administration page appears.
Step 2 From the menu, choose Device > Phone.
The Find and List Phone page appears. You can search for one or more phones
that you want to configure for the 7914 Expansion Module.
Step 3 Select and enter your search criteria and click Find.