70 OL-22334-01
• You can create up to 500 Fast Dial and PAB entries.
• You can create a new Fast Dial entry without using a PAB entry. Such Fast Dial entries are labeled
“raw” in the User Options web pages and do not display a configurable text label.
Using the Address Book Synchronization Tool
You can use the Address Book Synchronization Tool (TABSynch) to synchronize your existing
Microsoft Windows Address Book (if applicable) with your PAB.
From a Microsoft Windows application—Users can use the TABSynch tool to synchronize their PABs
with Microsoft Windows Address Book (WAB). Customers who want to use the Microsoft Outlook
Address Book (OAB) should begin by importing the data from the OAB into the Windows Address
Book (WAB). TabSync can then be used to synchronize the WAB with Personal Directory.
Your system administrator can give you access to TABSynch and provide detailed instructions.
Search for a
Fast Dial entry
1. Choose User Options > Fast Dials.
2. Specify search information and click Find.
Edit a Fast Dial
phone number
1. Choose User Options > Fast Dials.
2. Search for the Fast Dial entry that you want to edit.
3. Click on a component of the entry.
4. Change the phone number.
5. Click Save.
Delete a Fast Dial entry 1. Search for a Fast Dial.
2. Select one or more entries.
3. Click Delete Selected.
Assign a line button for
Fast Dial
Before you can assign a line button for Fast Dial, your system
administrator must configure the phone to display services. Contact
your system administrator for more information.
1. Choose User Options > Device.
2. Click Service URL.
3. Choose the Fast Dial service from the Button drop-down list box.
4. Enter a phone label for the button.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Reset and then click Restart to refresh the phone configuration.
You can now press the line button to access Fast Dial codes.
If you want to... Then do this after you log in...