Cisco ASR 901 10G Series Aggregation Services Router Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Power Supply
Figure 1-3 Cisco ASR 90110G Router—Rear View
Note The grounding architecture of this product is DC-isolated (DC-I) for DC-powered products.
DC-powered products have a nominal operating DC voltage of 48 VDC. Minimal steady state DC
operating voltage is 19.2 VDC.
The Cisco ASR 901 10G chassis and interface modules contain LEDs to assist in troubleshooting. For
more detailed description of the LEDs, see the “Reading the LEDs, page A-4.
Power Supply
The Cisco ASR 901 10G router is equipped with an internal -24/-60 Volts Direct Current (VDC). The
router is provided with a single AC power supply or DC (1+1 Redundant) power supply. The power input
connectors are located at the front left-side side of the router. The DC power connector has the standard
A and B feeds for DC redundancy. The DC power supply is compatible with the range of DC input
voltages specifically available at cell sites.
See Table 1-1 for the DC power supply specifications and Table 1-2 for the AC power supply
Safety Precautions
Observe the following general safety precautions and recommendations in planning the source power
requirements for the Cisco ASR 901 10G router (for additional safety information, see the “Safety
Guidelines” section on page 2-1:
• Check the power at your site before router installation (and periodically after installation) to ensure
clean power (free of spikes and noise) is being received.
• Always disconnect the power source and unplug the power cable before working on the router.
1 Fan 2 Grounding Point Lug