Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
1.9.5 Sluggish CTC Operation or Login Problems
1.9.5 Sluggish CTC Operation or Login Problems
Symptom You experience sluggish CTC operation or have problems logging into CTC.
Table 1-10 describes the potential cause of the symptom and the solution.
Delete the CTC Cache File Automatically
Caution All running sessions of CTC must be halted before deleting the CTC cache. Deleting the CTC cache
might cause any CTC sessions running on this system to behave in an unexpected manner.
Step 1 Enter an ONS 15310-CL or ONS 15310-MA IP address in the browser URL field. The initial browser
window shows a Delete CTC Cache button.
Step 2 Close all open CTC sessions and browser windows. The Windows PC operating system does not allow
you to delete files that are in use.
Step 3 Click Delete CTC Cache on the initial browser window to clear the CTC cache. Figure 1-4 shows the
Delete CTC Cache window.
Table 1-10 Sluggish CTC Operation or Login Problems
Possible Problem Solution
The CTC cache file
might be corrupted or
might need to be
Delete the CTC cache file. This operation forces the ONS 15310-CL or
ONS 15310-MA to download a new set of JAR files to your computer hard
drive. See the “Delete the CTC Cache File Automatically” procedure on
page 1-55 if you want to temporarily delete the cache stored from another
CTC session, or the “Delete the CTC Cache File Manually” procedure on
page 1-56 if you want to delete the Java archive (JAR) files associated with
an older JRE version.
Insufficient heap
memory allocation.
Increase the heap size if you are using CTC to manage more than 50 nodes
concurrently. See the “Set the CTC_HEAP and
CTC_MAX_PERM_SIZE_HEAP Environment Variables for Windows”
procedure on page 1-52 or the “Set the CTC_HEAP and
CTC_MAX_PERM_SIZE_HEAP Environment Variables for Solaris”
procedure on page 1-53.
Note To avoid network performance issues, Cisco recommends managing
a maximum of 50 nodes concurrently with CTC. To manage more
than 50 nodes, Cisco recommends using Cisco Transport Manager
(CTM). Cisco does not recommend running multiple CTC sessions
when managing two or more large networks.