Cisco Video Surveillance System 2621 IP Dome User Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Applications Windows
Actions Choose the desired options to designate actions that the camera takes when
events occur:
• E-Mail—Sends e-mail event notification messages to an SMTP server.
The e-mail messages notify you that an event has occurred, and may
include a video file of the event and the URL of an FTP server from
which you can download the video file. (The e-mail event notification
messages must be configured as described in the
Window” section on page 3-27.)
• FTP—Uploads an event video file to an FTP server. (The FTP server
must be configured as described in the
“Mail/FTP/HTTP Window”
section on page 3-27.)
• Alarm Output 1—Applies to output port 1 on the IP camera. Causes the
output port state to be activated as configured. (For more information
about output ports, see the
“Alarm I/O Ports Window” section on
page 3-35.)
• Alarm Output 2—Applies to output port 2 on the IP camera. Causes the
output port state to be activated as configured (For more information
about output ports, see the
“Alarm I/O Ports Window” section on
page 3-35.)
• HTTP—Causes the video file to be sent to an HTTP server. (The HTTP
notification server must be configured as described in the
“Mail/FTP/HTTP Window” section on page 3-27.)
• Interval—Choose the amount of time, in minutes, that the camera waits
after detecting a condition before it triggers an event. A setting of 0
indicates no delay.
Note These Attachment options appear if you enable the Trigger Event option and choose the E-Mail
or FTP option.
oldest video file when
SDRAM is full
Check this check box to overwrite the oldest video file that is stored on the
IP camera with the new video file when the SDRAM on the IP camera does
not have enough room for the new file.
If you do not check this option, the IP camera does not save new video files
when its SDRAM does not have room for the files.
Attachment Type Choose the type of file that is attached to an e-mail or FTP notification.
• JPEG Image—Attaches JPEG images from the event.
• Video—Attaches a video file of the event.
Frame Rate Appears if you choose the JPEG Image option from the Attachment Type
drop-down list.
Choose the number of JPEG images that are captured per second during the
Table 3-17 Event Window Options (continued)
Option Description