Installing Cisco WAN Manager Manually
Cisco WAN Manager Installation for Solaris, Release 9.2, Part Number 78-5875-03
Enter number corresponding to disk configuration or x to exit: 1 <Return>
Enter Raw Partition Name for rootdb (default: Not configured): /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s7
Checking existence of the sqlhosts file .... Successful
Checking existence of the informix_istar entry.... Successful
Creating init_db boot up script................... Successful
Filtering files................................... Successful
Checking for the existence of Informix............ Successful
Checking for the existence of Wingz............... Successful
Note Refer to Table 2-1 for the raw partition in each supported disk configuration. Ensure the
correct raw partition is specified here.
Enter new database name that starts with a letter and contains fewer than
10 characters (default is stratacom): <Return>
Informix data will be installed in rootdbs: /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s7 (1960MB) (Default is Y)
OK to continue (Y/N): Y <Return>
Initializing the Informix database. This will take a few minutes...
Shutting down Informix (if necessary)............. Successful
Initializing the Informix database root file...... Successful
Initializing the Informix database mode........... Successful
Preparing the database for Cisco WAN Manager........ Successful
Checking for existence of INS....
INS is not installed in /usr/users/svplus.
Installing Cisco WAN Manager SNMP Agent................. Successful
Searching for CiscoView in default directory...
Did not find CiscoView in default location.
CiscoView 4.2 will be used for Equipment Management.
Have you already installed CiscoView? [Y,N] N <Return>
If you are planning to perform Equipment Management, you must:
a) Install CiscoView 4.2
b) Run the IntegrateCV script
Checking for existence of HP OpenView...
Found HP OpenView installed in /opt/OV.
Installing HP OpenView related files. This will take a few minutes...
Installing Openview patches... Please wait.
Stopping Openview daemons...
Installing Patch: PSOV_02091.
Updating HPOV DB Schema with SV+ extensions....... Successful
Start unloading and loading MIBs. Please see /usr/users/svplus/hpov_install.log
for details.
Loading StrataCom MIB(s) into HPOV......Successful