Cisco MDS 9000 Family I/O Accelerator Configuration Guide
This preface describes the audience, organization, and conventions of the Cisco MDS 9000 Family
NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide. It also provides information on how to obtain related
This guide is for experienced network administrators who are responsible for configuring and
maintaining the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of multilayer directors and fabric switches.
The Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide is organized as follows:
Chapter Title Description
Chapter 1 Interfaces Overview Provides an overview of all the features in this
Chapter 2 Configuring Interfaces Explains Generation 1 and Generation 2
module port and operational state concepts in
Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches and provides
details on configuring ports and interfaces.
Chapter 3 Configuring Fibre Channel Interfaces Explains configuration concepts for Fibre
Channel module ports and interfaces.
Chapter 4 Configuring Interface Buffers Explains configuration concepts for Interface
Chapter 5 Configuring Trunking Explains TE ports and trunking concepts.
Chapter 6 Configuring PortChannels Explains PortChannels and load balancing
concepts and provides details on configuring
PortChannels, adding ports to PortChannels,
and deleting ports from PortChannels.