Cisco SFS InfiniBand Host Drivers User Guide for Linux
Intel MPI Benchmarks (IMB) Test Performance
• The name of the hostfile
• The latency executable name
The following example shows how to run the MVAPICH MPI Latency test:
host1$ mpirun_rsh -np 2 -hostfile /tmp/hostfile \
When the test completes successfully, you see output that is similar to the following:
# OSU MPI Latency Test (Version 2.2)
# Size Latency (us)
0 2.83
1 2.85
2 2.86
4 2.94
8 2.97
16 2.97
32 3.08
64 3.11
128 3.90
256 4.26
512 4.95
1024 6.07
2048 7.31
4096 9.88
8192 23.35
16384 29.03
32768 41.23
65536 65.07
131072 113.01
262144 209.19
524288 400.72
1048576 780.69
2097152 1540.19
4194304 3072.65
Intel MPI Benchmarks (IMB) Test Performance
This section describes the IMB test performance. The IMB test executes a variety of communication
patterns across multiple nodes as a simple stress test of your MPI and installation software. The tested
patterns are as follows:
• PingPong and PingPing: tested across pairs of nodes
• Sendrecv, Exchange, Allreduce, Reduce, Reduce_scatter, Allgather, Allgatherv, Alltoall, Bcast,
Barrier: tested across multiple nodes, always using a power of 2 such as 2, 4, 8, 16.