
Using Configuration Mode to Configure the Ethernet Interface
Configuring the Ethernet Interface
Using Configuration Mode to Configure the Ethernet Interface, page 29
Using the setup Command Facility to Configure the Ethernet Interface, page 29
Using Configuration Mode to Configure the Ethernet Interface
Use the following procedure to perform a basic configuration of the Ethernet interface in configuration
Step 1 At the privileged-level prompt, enter configuration mode and specify that the console terminal is the
source of the configuration subcommands as follows:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Step 2 At the configuration mode prompt, specify the Ethernet interface by entering the subcommand
interface, followed by the type (ethernet) and port (0) as follows:
Router(config)# interface ethernet 0
Step 3 Determine the physical Ethernet connection you want to use (RJ-45 or MII), then use the media-type
type command as appropriate for your physical Ethernet connection:
Router(config-if)# media-type type
where type is RJ45 or MII. The system default is RJ45.
Step 4 If IP routing is enabled on the system, you can assign an IP address and subnet mask to the interface
with the ip address configuration subcommand, as in the following example:
Router(config-int)# ip address
Step 5 Add any additional configuration subcommands required to enable or disable routing protocols (such as
the no ip mroute-cache command) and to set other interface characteristics.
Step 6 Change the shutdown state to up and enable the Ethernet interface as follows:
Router(config-int)# no shutdown
Step 7 After you include all the configuration subcommands necessary to complete the configuration, press
Ctrl-Z to exit configuration mode.
Step 8 Write the new configuration to nonvolatile memory as follows:
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Using the setup Command Facility to Configure the Ethernet Interface
In the following example of an Ethernet configuration using the setup command facility, the Ethernet
interface is configured using IP and CLNS. (In this example, you want to use IP, CLNS, and the default
RJ-45 Ethernet connection.)
Enter the setup facility using the setup command and respond to prompts as appropriate for your needs,
using your own address and mask for the setup prompts.