Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960 Administrator Guide
Chapter 1 Product Overview
What is the Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960?
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
ICMP is a network layer Internet protocol that enables hosts to send error or
control messages to other hosts. ICMP also provides other information
relevant to IP packet processing.
The Cisco SIP supports ICMP as it is documented in RFC 792.
Internet Protocol (IP)
IP is a network layer protocol that sends datagram packets between nodes on
the Internet. IP also provides features for addressing, type-of-service (ToS)
specification, fragmentation and reassembly, and security.
The Cisco SIP IP phone supports IP as it is defined in RFC 791.
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
RTP transports real-time data (such as voice data) over data networks. RTP
also the ability to obtain Quality of Service (QoS) information.
The Cisco SIP IP phone supports RTP as a media channel.
Session Description Protocol (SDP)
SDP is an ASCII-based protocol that describes multimedia sessions and their
related scheduling information.
The Cisco SIP IP phone uses SDP for session description.
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
SNTP sychronizes computer clocks on an IP network. The Cisco SIP IP
phones use SNTP for their date and time support.