Integrating Fiberlink MaaS360 with Cisco Identity Services Engine
Figure 25 Maas360 Applcation
Corporate Data
Fiberlink MaaS360 and ISE can work closely together to create a comprehensive approach to managing
corporate data. This is generally known as data loss prevention (DLP). Data comes in two forms, at-rest
and in-flight. Data at-rest is stored directly the mobile device and data in-flight is the movement of data.
This can be extended to include moving data between two storage containers on the same device.
Data at-Rest
Android and Apple handle stored data differently. Android has an open file structure that allows content
to be shared between applications. This creates a tight and integrated environment. Many Android
devices also support external and removable storage in the form of SD Cards. iOS creates a storage
environment for each application. When an application is deleted, the partition holding that application’s
data is also removed.
Data in-Flight
Sharing data between applications is fairly common. Built-in system applications like Contacts can share
their information. With Apple devices, the data is passed through the owning application. Apple iOS now
provides privacy settings to control access to system data stores. The common thread with both Android
and Apple is tight application integration. This functionality presents challenges when trying to contain
data. Fiberlink MaaS360 allows administrators to set policies to restrict data backup to cloud, enforce
compliance check (Android), and enforce authentication (Android).
Moving corporate data to and from t
he device is also concern. The most common tool is email
attachments, although cloud storage services, such as Dropbox, are also a concern. Fiberlink MaaS360
can blacklist these types of applications. This is most appropriate on corporate devices. ISE can deploy
per-user ACL through the Wireless LAN Controller to enforce this policy at the network level for both
corporate and personal devices.
Through Fiberlink MaaS360 Cloud Extender, administrators can securely integrate with all major email,
ng, and contacts platforms including Exchange, Lotus Notes, Gmail, and Microsoft’s Office
365. The Cloud Extender performs a number of functions to provide visibility and management of
ActiveSync connected devices, including: