Cisco ME 3400 Ethernet Access Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 30 Configuring QoS
Configuring QoS
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to create an aggregate policer:
After you have created an aggregate policer, you attach it to an ingress port. See the “Attaching a Traffic
Policy to an Interface” section on page 30-35.
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
policer aggregate aggregate-policer-name
{rate-bps | cir cir-bps} [bc burst- value]
[conform-action [set-cos-transmit
new-cos-value | set-dscp-transmit
new-dscp-value| set-prec-transmit
new-precedence-value | set-qos-transmit
qos-group-value | transmit] [exceed-action
{drop | [set-cos-transmit cos |
set-dscp-transmit dscp | set-prec-transmit
precedence] [table table-map name]}
Define the policer parameters that can be applied to multiple traffic
classes within the same policy map.
• For aggregate-policer-name, specify the name of the aggregate
• For rate-bps, specify average traffic rate in bits per second
(bps). The range is 8000 to 1000000000.
• For cir cir-bps, specify the committed information rate in bits
per second. The range is 8000 to 1000000000 bps.
• (Optional) For bc burst-value, specify conform burst and the
number of acceptable burst bytes. The range is 8000 to 1000000
• (Optional) For conform-action, specify the action to take on
packets that conform to the CIR. The default is to send the
• (Optional) For exceed-action, specify the action to take on
packets that exceed the CIR. The default is to drop the packet.
See the command reference for this release for definitions of the
available keywords.
Step 3
policy-map policy-map-name Create a policy map by entering the policy map name, and enter
policy-map configuration mode.
Step 4
class class-map-name Enter a class-map name and enter policy-map class configuration
Step 5
police aggregate aggregate-policer-name Apply an aggregate policer to multiple classes in the same policy
map. For aggregate-policer-name, enter the name specified in
Step 2.
Step 6
exit Return to policy-map configuration mode.
Step 7
exit Return to global configuration mode.
Step 8
interface interface-id Enter interface configuration mode for the interface to which you
want to attach the policy.
Step 9
service-policy input policy-map-name Attach the policy map (created in Step 3) to the ingress interface.
Step 10
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 11
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 12
show policer aggregate
Verify your entries.
Step 13
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.