Installation Guide for Cisco Unity Release 5.x with IBM Lotus Domino (Without Failover)
Chapter 2 Preparing for the Installation
Downloading Software for the Installation
Cisco Unity Software
Disc images for the currently shipping Cisco Unity version, including:
• The Cisco Unity installation disc.
• The discs for Cisco Unity languages that you want to install on the server (other that U.S. English,
which is automatically installed on all systems).
• The applicable Cisco Unity Service Pack discs for the version of Cisco Unity that you are installing.
You always need Service Pack disc
1, which contains the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant.
Before you install Cisco Unity, you must install the Microsoft service packs that were required for
that version of Cisco
Unity. After you install Cisco Unity, you can install any later service packs
that were qualified for use with Cisco
Refer to the “Downloading Software for Cisco Unity <Version>” section of the applicable Release Notes
for Cisco
Unity at
Updated PBXLink or PIMG Firmware
If the phone system integration includes PBXLink boxes or PIMG units, updated PBXLink or PIMG
firmware. For instructions on downloading updated firmware, refer to the “Setting Up the PBXLink
Box” section or the “Setting up the PIMG Units” section in the applicable Cisco
Unity integration guide.
Integration guides are available at
Latest Microsoft Service Packs and Cisco Unity Server Updates Wizard
Download the following software:
• For the Microsoft software that you are installing on the Cisco Unity server, the latest service packs
recommended for use with Cisco
Unity, if later than the service packs shipped with Cisco Unity.
Any service packs that are qualified for use with Cisco
Unity after the most recent Cisco Unity
release are available on the Microsoft Updates Software Download page at
http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/unity_msft_updates. Also download or print the
installation instructions.
For a list of the service packs that are recommended, refer to the section “Recommended Service
Packs—Cisco Unity Server” in the System Requirements for Cisco
Unity for your version of
Unity, at
• The latest Cisco Unity Server Updates Wizard, which automatically installs the latest Microsoft
updates for Windows and for SQL Server or MSDE that are recommended for use with Cisco
and, optionally, the latest version of the Cisco Security Agent for Cisco
Unity. Available on the
Microsoft Updates for Cisco
Unity Software Download page at
For information on the Microsoft updates and the version of Cisco Security Agent for Cisco Unity
that are installed by the Server Updates Wizard, refer to Software Installed by the Cisco
Unity Server
Updates Wizard at