Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Component APIs
In addition to the primary phone XSI API, two additional component APIs are available:
• Application Management API, page 4-1
• RTP Streaming API, page 4-1
Application Management API
To address the limited application management, the Application Management API provides a smoother
hand-off between the call mode and the application mode. The Application API consists of two primary
• Application URI—see the “Application” section on page 5-18
• Application Event Handlers—see the “Application Event Handlers” section on page 3-22
Note Support for the Application Management API requires an updated XML Parser (see “Updated XML
Parser and Schema Enforcement” section on page B-1 for details).
RTP Streaming API
This XML-based RTP Streaming API allows applications to initiate and observe RTP audio streams. It
extends capabilities beyond the legacy RTP streaming URIs by providing support for stream start/stop
event listeners and the ability to specify other extended stream attributes, such as codec type.
Note Support for the RTP Streaming API requires an updated XML Parser (see “Updated XML Parser and
Schema Enforcement” section on page B-1 for details).
The event handlers typically use the standard Notification framework (see “
Notify” section on
page 5-16), but they can also invoke most other URIs, with the exception of HTTP URLs.