Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Appendix C Error and Event Messages
802.11 Subsystem Messages
Error Message DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: “Packet to client %e reached max retries, removing
the client.”
The maximum packet send retry limit has been reached and the client is being removed.
This error message indicates that the access point attempts to poll the client a certain number of
times, but does not receive a response. Therefore, the client is removed from the association table.
This issue is commonly seen when the client and access point are attempting to communicate in a
noisy RF environment.
Recommended Action To resolve this issue, see if a snapshot reveals noise in the radio spectrum by
trying to run a carrier busy test on the access point. Attempt to alleviate any unwanted noise. For
more information, see the “Performing a Carrier Busy Test” procedure on page 6-34. If there are
several access points in the same area, they could be overlapping the channel signal or with any other
wireless device in the surrounding area. Change the channels under Network Interfaces and select
Radio-802.11. There are three non-overlapping channels: 1, 6, and 11.
Error Message DOT11-4-RM_INCAPABLE: “Interface %s
Indicated interface does not support the radio management feature.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message DOT11-4-RM_INCORRECT_INTERFACE: “Invalid interface, either not
existing or non-radio.”
A radio management request discovered that the interface either does not exist or is not
a radio interface.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message DOT11-3-POWERS_INVALID: “Interface %s, no valid power levels
The radio driver found no valid power level settings.
Recommended Action Investigate and correct the power source and settings.
Error Message DOT11-4-RADIO_INVALID_FREQ: “Operating frequency (%d) invalid -
performing a channel scan.”
The indicated frequency is invalid for operation. A channel scan is being performed to
select a valid frequency.
Recommended Action None.