Cisco CNS Network Registrar User’s Guide
Chapter 22 Advanced DHCP Server Properties
Configuring Virtual Private Networks and Subnet Allocation
If the server-id-override suboption of the relay-agent-info option (82) exists, the DHCP server uses
its value to compare to that of the dhcp-server-identifier option in the reply packet. Any packet that
the DHCP client unicasts then goes directly to the relay agent and not to the server (which may, in
fact, be inaccessible from the client). Both partners in a failover environment can renew a lease if
the packet includes the server-id-override suboption.
Creating Virtual Private Networks
To set up the VPN and its index:
Step 1 Coordinate with the Cisco IOS relay agent administrator that the VPNs are configured either by VPN ID
or VRF name on the relay agent. This will determine how to identify the VPN in Network Registrar.
Step 2 Create a VPN to allow provisioning DHCP clients onto the VPN that is configured in the IOS switch or
Enter a VPN index, which can be any unique text string except the reserved words all or global. Its
associated ID must also be unique. To add an index:
• In the local cluster Web UI—Click DHCP, then VPNs. This opens the List/Add VPNs page. Give
the VPN a numerical key identifier and a unique name in the cluster.
• In the regional cluster Web UI—Add the local cluster containing the VPN (click Clusters, then
Cluster List). Then, click DHCP Configuration followed by VPNs. This opens the List/Add VPNs
page (see Figure 22-1). You can create the VPN on this page or pull the VPN from the local clusters:
If creating the VPN, give it a numerical key identifier and a unique name.
If pulling the VPN from the local clusters, click Pull Replica VPNs on the List/Add VPNs page,
then pull a specific VPN or all the VPNs from the selected cluster.
Figure 22-1 List/Add VPNs Page (Regional)
You can also push VPNs to the clusters by clicking Push VPN or Push All VPNs on the List/Add
VPNs page. Then choose the synchronization mode and the clusters to which to push the VPNs on
the Push VPN Data to Local Clusters page.
• In the CLI—Use vpn name create key. For example:
nrcmd> vpn blue create 99