
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Discovering Your Network
Note If another user modifies and saves the seed file before you save your changes, the MWTM asks if you
want to overwrite that user’s changes. If you choose to do so, the other user’s changes are overwritten
and lost. If you choose not to do so, your changes are lost, unless you save the seed file to a different
Figure 4-3 Save File Dialog: Seed File List Dialog
The Save File Dialog: Seed File List contains:
Field or Button Description
Type Icon indicating whether the item in the table is a file or a folder.
Name Name of the seed file or folder.
Last Modified Date and time the seed file or folder was last modified.
Size (bytes) Size of the seed file or folder, in bytes.
Filename Name by which you want to save the seed file.
If you create a new seed filename, you can use any letters,
numbers, or characters in the name that are allowed by your
operating system. However, if you include any spaces in the new
name, the MWTM converts those spaces to hyphens. For
example, the MWTM saves file a b c as a-b-c.
Make this my preferred start option Specifies whether the selected seed file should be loaded
automatically whenever this MWTM client is started or the
Discovery dialog box is opened.
By default, this check box is unchecked for all seed files. That is,
no seed file is loaded automatically when the MWTM client is
started or the Discovery dialog box is opened.