Cisco ONS 15200 Product Description
Chapter 2 Product Configurations
ONS 15200 Network Configurations
2.1.3 Dual-Home Configuration
In the dual-home configuration, a pair of ONS 15201 SCUs share the total data traffic load between two
different fiber-optic cable (fiber) routes. The pair of ONS 15201 SCUs can use identical or different
wavelength channels to communicate with their respective ONS 15252 MCUs. Using identical
wavelength channels conserves network resources. In addition to load sharing, the dual-home
configuration provides traffic protection in the electronic client-layer domain. If one fiber route is lost,
the data traffic shifts to the other fiber route in the client layer.
In addition to protecting traffic at the client layer, the dual-home configuration protects the ONS 15200
system against single MCU or SCU failures. Figure 2-3 illustrates the ONS 15200 dual-home
Note The physical connection in Figure 2-3 consists of two fiber-optic cables.
Figure 2-3 Dual-home configuration
2.1.4 Multichannel Point-to-Point Configuration
In the ONS 15200 multichannel, point-to-point configuration, multiple wavelength channels exist
between a pair of ONS 15252 MCUs. You can set up the multichannel point-to-point configuration with
or without optical-layer protection. Configuring optical-layer protection requires dual fiber routes.
In the ONS 15200 multichannel, point-to-point configurations, dual fiber routes send information along
two separate fiber routes. The dual physical route configuration supports SONET or SDH add/drop
multiplexer (ADM) protection and client-layer 1+1 APS protection.
Cisco does not recommend implementing layer-3 load-sharing protection in a multichannel
point-to-point configuration because the two network fiber routes need to share an ONS 15252 MCU,
and any failure of the ONS 15252 MCU would cause both routes to disappear simultaneously. Figure 2-4
illustrates the ONS 15200 multichannel, point-to-point configurations.
ONS 15252
ONS 15252
ONS 15201
ONS 15201
ONS 15201
ONS 15201(TWO)
ONS 15201
ONS 15201
ONS 15201
ONS 15201
ONS - Optical network system